So this has been a busy month for everyone. Daniel is doing great. He is pulling up on everything. He is starting to cruise and he practices his balance by leaning down to pick things up while holding onto the furniture. He wants to be standing all the time. When he does crawl it is usually on his hands and feet rather than his knees. He also throws his toys on the floor when he wants to be put down. We are introducing new foods to him and found out that he thinks watermelon is yummy but he is not as fond of pureed chicken. Of course no meal is complete without Cheerios. They are Daniel's favorite and he is finally starting to get them in his mouth on his own. He thinks all meals are supposed to include Cheerios and I think he would eat them all day long if we let him. One of Daniel's favorite new things to do is play with blocks. He loves to knock down the towers that people build for him. At Mommom's house he has been playing with blocks that once belonged to me which is cool. Here at home he has blocks I had bought for him and he seems to be taking to those pretty well too. So things with me have been going pretty well too. I spent the last 2 weeks at rehab for my leg, Daniel spent his first weekend alone with his Daddy and things went great. They had a really good time together. This weekend I came home for the first time in 6 months and the 3 of us are together again under one roof. So far so good but it is hard on all of us since I can't do a lot of things yet. Daniel got to try out playing in his pack-n-play and as long as there are a lot of toys in there he was happy. He got to check out some of his toys that he hadn't seen yet like his rocking horse which he thought was pretty cool. Daniel is also making new sounds and noises. He has started saying dada although I don't think he actually knows what it means yet. He also figured out how to stick his tongue between his lips and make noise which is funny although it gets pretty drooly. He is just such a happy, giggly baby, we are so lucky!
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