I can't believe that Daniel turned one today. It has been quite a year for our family. We are definitely hoping for a less crazy year to come. Daniel is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it. He is learning new tricks every day. He is walking and gaining confidence each day. His vocabulary is growing quickly, he says dada, mama, poppop, mommom, cook (cookie, or cookie monster), oh (elmo), ba (ball) nana (banana), na (nanny, his blanket), when he likes what he is eating he says mmm, and a variety of other sounds. He definitely understands much of what we say to him also. If I ask him to do something sometimes he even does it! He likes to play "catch" with a ball and push around his little ride on toys. He is eating more new foods every day and really prefers to stay away from the baby food. A few favorites are grilled cheese, yogurt, spaghetti and meatballs, and fruit especially blueberries, strawberries and nanas. I have just been so amazed at watching my little boy develop over the past 12 months and I can't wait to see what happens over the next 12!
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