Wow, another month has gone by. We've been busy this month. I am getting around better so I am trying to get Daniel out more. He has been enjoying trips to Rittenhouse Square to see the doggies and other babies, we went to our first library story hour, the zoo and Sesame Street Live. He has really perfected the art of throwing himself screaming to the floor when he doesn't get what he wants. I try not to laugh but it's hard. Daniel had his first Purim. We went to the Purim parade at Daniel's daycare which was really cute although Daniel needed his daddy to walk with him in the parade and sit with him during the songs. He wasn't so interested in his King crown either but maybe next year. He has learned how to high 5, and will clap for himself whenever he does something he likes. Daniel likes to arrange his toys, he will carry them from one place to another and then back again, over and over and over. We are doing really well with the shape sorter, it is one of Daniel's favorite activities. He does have some shapes that he likes better than others, his favorite being the circle. He is working on a few new animal sounds, cow, monkey, and cat. He likes to climb now also. He thinks the most fun is to step up onto something and jump off. I of course shudder every time, not sure how I'm going to survive this whole growing up thing. He still loves to read stories, his current favorites are The Very Hungry Caterpiller, That's Not My Bear, and My Fuzzy Little Valentine (featuring Elmo).
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12 years ago