Saturday, March 28, 2009

16 months

Daniel loves his bathtime
having lunch at Poppop's office meeting

Wow, another month has gone by. We've been busy this month. I am getting around better so I am trying to get Daniel out more. He has been enjoying trips to Rittenhouse Square to see the doggies and other babies, we went to our first library story hour, the zoo and Sesame Street Live. He has really perfected the art of throwing himself screaming to the floor when he doesn't get what he wants. I try not to laugh but it's hard. Daniel had his first Purim. We went to the Purim parade at Daniel's daycare which was really cute although Daniel needed his daddy to walk with him in the parade and sit with him during the songs. He wasn't so interested in his King crown either but maybe next year. He has learned how to high 5, and will clap for himself whenever he does something he likes. Daniel likes to arrange his toys, he will carry them from one place to another and then back again, over and over and over. We are doing really well with the shape sorter, it is one of Daniel's favorite activities. He does have some shapes that he likes better than others, his favorite being the circle. He is working on a few new animal sounds, cow, monkey, and cat. He likes to climb now also. He thinks the most fun is to step up onto something and jump off. I of course shudder every time, not sure how I'm going to survive this whole growing up thing. He still loves to read stories, his current favorites are The Very Hungry Caterpiller, That's Not My Bear, and My Fuzzy Little Valentine (featuring Elmo).

Friday, March 20, 2009

Our first zoo trip

I've been dying to take Daniel to the zoo since last spring/summer. Finally we made it there on the first day of Spring this year! It was a little chilly (there were even some flurries) but we didn't mind. Daniel had a great time, his favorite thing was the children's zoo where he spent a lot of time petting the goats. We may need to get him one of his very own! He was also pretty interested in the monkey's and the giraffe's. I was especially glad he got to see the elephants before they are all moved from our zoo. He had a great time running around and seeing all the animals. After we were done at the zoo Poppop was hungry so we headed to Pat's for a cheesesteak where Daniel greatly enjoyed his french fries and his first sip of soda. I already can't wait for our next zoo trip!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Elmo Live!

Daniel attended his first live stage show when we went to Sesame Street Live: When Elmo Grows Up. It will be his first and only show at the Spectrum as it is being knocked down soon so we were glad he got there even if he won't remember (we have photo's to prove he was there). When Elmo and Big Bird first came out on stage he was awestruck. He had a good time dancing to the music and running around the concourse. He also came home with some cool new Sesame toys (of course!)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Say What?

Daniel has a lot of words these days. The Dr. asked us how many at his 15 month appointment but I had no idea. So I am making a list of all Daniel's words. Keep in mind that some of these are only really identifiable by me but they are things he consistantly says. Mama, Dada, Mommom, Poppop, NO, ball, door, coat, school, cheerios, banana, yogurt, elmo, cookie, grover, hello, ba (which means cup), nanny (his blanket), cheese, duck, sock. He basically calls anything round a ball including waffles and light bulbs and anything that opens and shuts a door. He is actually pretty verbal although I am really looking forward to the day that he can communicate what he wants to me. Also hoping he learns to say yes soon. Right now he only says no and I am pretty sure sometimes it means yes. He also knows that dogs say woof and ducks quack. That is all I can think of at the moment but I may add to it if I remember more later.

Edit: Bowl, uh-oh, yum, more, car, truck, circle

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

15 Months

Daniel is now 15 months old. He is a total toddler now, we get lots of tantrums, lots of him telling us no and he's running around like crazy. He also gives lots of hugs and smiles. He is a total tease, his favorite thing is to pretend to offer up a treat like blueberries or cheerios and then pull it away at the last moment. He thinks this game is hysterical. He is a good eater, his favorites are fruits and veggies (especially broccoli). Of course he also likes cookies. The funny thing is that Daniel thinks anything he doesn't normally get is a cookie including croutons and wheat thins. He is so good when we take him out to long as we keep feeding him! He is learning new words all the time. Some of his new words are school, coat and circle. He is getting pretty good at putting the shapes into a shape sorter. Daniel loves music. He will walk around the room hitting the buttons of all the toys that play music. He then stops and dances. It is so cute! This weekend we went to a children's concert at the synagogue. The performer was David Jack who is Daniel's teacher's husband. He loved it, danced in the aisles, played with his friends from school, tried to hug the dancing dinosaur... We also went to Daniel's first story hour at the library. They read some books, sang some songs and played some music. He had a good time there, then we walked across the street to Rittenhouse Square where there were lots of other babies and woof's (otherwise known as dogs) followed by lunch at Marathon with Mommom and Poppop. Good way to tire him out for a nice long afternoon nap! Today we visited Poppop at his office followed by Daniel's 15 month well visit at the pediatrician. Daniel was happy to see Poppop and play with his office aunts but not so happy to see the doctor today although I think that was mostly due to his stuffy nose and the two teeth trying to pop through his gums. Daniel now weighs 23 lb 13 oz and is 31 inches long and got his first MMR shot. The doctor was very happy with his progress which is always what a mommy wants to hear!