Friday, December 28, 2007

One Month Old

December 28, 2007

Daniel turned one month today. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. We had an appointment at the pediatrician today to check his weight gain since he has been slow to put on weight and he was 7 lb 1 oz so things seem to have improved and the little guy is gaining just fine now.

First Chinese dinner

On Christmas Day Daniel had his first trip to a Chinese restaurant. Of course we took him to Chun Hing, the official Goldenberg Chinese hotspot. I think he really enjoyed the experience which is good since it was the first of many trips there. The best part about dinner out with the grandparents and aunts is that I actually get to eat dinner while they take turns holding him!

Visiting cousins

While everyone was on winter break we had some visitors from Boston and North Jersey. My aunts, uncles and some of my cousins came to Philly to spend some time hanging out with baby Daniel. We had a great time seeing everyone. Rebecca made a wonderful dinner Sunday night so that the whole Wylen clan could hang out. Aunt Ruth and Uncle David along with Sarah and Rachel were here for the whole weekend and came to Cheltenham to see us on Monday night also. It was so much fun hanging out. Daniel can't wait for his first trip to Boston!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

3 Weeks Old

Today Daniel is 3 weeks old. He has just barely regained his birth weight so he is still a little peanut but as with most babies his age he is changing every day. This week we went to a meeting at the Abington Parenting Center for the Nursing Mom's Group. It was nice to get out and meet some other women with little ones. Daniel was the youngest baby there! Hopefully in the coming weeks we will get out a little more and meet some more new people.

Our First Trip Downtown

Saturday December 15

Today Daniel took his first trip into Philadelphia. First he went to see his Mommom and Poppop's condo and hung out there waiting for everyone to be done unpacking cars at Debra's. Then we went to visit Aunt Debra at her brand new condo. Daniel can't wait til he is old enough for sleepover's:-)

Daniel's First Bath

Wednesday December 12

Today Daniel had his first real bath. He was not particularly fond of the sponge baths he had up until now so I was curious to see how he would feel about a real bath. He seemed to enjoy the warm water and tolerated being bathed pretty well. Once he got out of the tub though he was not too pleased to be naked and cold!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is it Night or Day?

Daniel seems to be confused about when it is night and when it is daytime. His favorite time to be awake is between 10 PM and 2 AM, right when Kyle and I want to be getting to sleep. I am trying to keep him awake more during the day so that by nighttime he will be tired. We'll see how that goes. This weekend we had our first real trip out of the house. We went to Babies R Us to pick up a few things we needed. He didn't seem fazed by it at all. I can't wait until he is ready to go on outings with me since sitting around the house is getting old!

Daniel's bris

On the 8th day of Daniel's life we had his bris. The bris took place at our house in the presence of lots of friends and family. All of Daniel's grandparents, great-grandparents and aunts and uncles were present as well as many of Kyle's and my aunts, uncles and cousins. He took the procedure like a champ barely even crying while I had a much tougher time with it. Actually I think he just liked the wine. It was so nice to have everyone together for such an important event in our babies Jewish life. In addition to the circumcision this is the time when Daniel was officially named. His name, Daniel Matthew is for my grandfather, Donald Goldenberg and Kyle's grandfather, Morris Goldberg. These men meant a lot to Kyle and I growing up and it is really special for us to be able to name our baby boy in their memory.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Daniel's first night of Chanukah

The first night of Chanukah was December 4, the night before Daniel's bris. Daniel's Zehda and GG had already arrived for the big event so they were here to help light candles. I don't think Daniel was too impressed with Chanukah yet but I'm sure in the next couple years it will be a big event for him!

Our First week at home

We came home from the hospital on Friday when Daniel was 2 days old. With Daniel's early arrival we weren't as prepared as we would have liked but luckily the furniture delivery was on Thursday so we could start arranging his bedroom. Daniel's Mommom came Friday night to stay here and all day Saturday was helping me get organized since anyone who knows us knows that I am not the world's most organized person. Daniel had lots of visitors over the weekend. Bubbie has visited lots of times and brought dinner for Mommy and Daddy so they didn't have to cook. All Daniel's aunts and uncles have been visiting frequently to visit their first nephew. For now Daniel is sleeping in a bassinet in our room since eating every 2 hours would require too many late night trips into the nursery but he really prefers to sleep while I am holding him. That of course doesn't work out so well for me so we are working on learning to sleep while not being held by Mommy! Sunday was Daniel's first Eagles game and he got to wear his new Eagles outfit, unfortunately his rude awakening to Philadelphia sports was a loss:-( On Monday Daniel watched his first wrestling show with his Daddy. He better be a Hulk Hogan fan or Kyle isn't going to know what to do!!

Daniel Matthew has arrived

Surprise! 10 days before we were expecting him Daniel made his way into the world. I started having contractions on Sunday night right at kickoff of the Eagles-Patriots game. However I didn't really go into labor until Tuesday night, we left for the hospital around 11 PM and Daniel was born on Wednesday November 28, 2007 at 10:25 AM weighing in at 6 lb 9 oz and 20.5 inches. The Dr's checked him out and everything looks great so far, a perfect baby boy.