August has been a busy month. Daniel is enjoying the last few weeks of camp at KI, we are hitting the beach as much as we can, Kyle is traveling a lot, and we are awaiting the arrival of baby Serota! Daniel is growing so quickly I just can't even believe it. His verbal skills never cease to amaze me. He talks all day long about everything. He likes to play make believe and his imagination is great. His favorite toys at the moment are cars, trains, trucks and Mr. Potato Head. He likes to watch movies (the same movie, over and over and over again). Right now we are enjoying Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in addition to our old favorite Cars. I pulled out the play doh in our backyard and Daniel had a good time making shapes with that! Too bad it is such a mess or we could bring it in the house. Daniel now knows that red means stop and green means go and he makes sure to narrate every car ride, telling me when to stop and go. He is super helpful:-)
Noah's first bus ride! Daniel enjoyed showing him the ropes Daniel and his great aunt Ruthie playing in the ocean. Daniel shared his Elmo bed with his cousin Noah. How cute is this?? Daniel is only worried that Noah's paci might fall out of his mouth! Poppop Joe and Mommom Ev came to the beach to see Daniel jumping waves and eating strawberry fruit pops! Tired baby!! Beach naps are the best:-) Family date night in Ocean City with the Eichenholz's. Daniel and Joshua had a fabulous time on the rides. Riding the zoo train with Mommom The baby giraffe at the zoo is only 5 weeks old. How cute!
Daniel on the slide at the bouncy place. He had so much fun, it was a blast to watch.
Daniel and Noah having fun at the MOMS club end of summer picnic!
The last weekend in July found us heading South to Ocean City Maryland to visit Zehda and Meemaw. We planned well since it turned out GG was going to be there also. And then we got the exciting news that the Connecticut clan was going to head down as well. It was an awesome weekend. Daniel had a blast running around with his big cousins and riding the rides with Trevor. The bumper boats were hysterical (see the video below!)
I think Daniel's favorite part of the weekend was the water slide at the hotel the cousins were staying at. I would not be exaggerating to say he must have done it 100 times! Daniel also got to drive Zehda's boat which is always exciting although after all the excitement he needed a nap! We also celebrated GG's birthday, it was a bit early but with so many great grandchildren together we embraced the opportunity for cake!
This blog is to document the development of our son Daniel. He was born on November 28, 2007 weighing in at 6 lb 9 oz and 20 1/2 inches. I can't wait to see how he grows.