Aunt Debra and Uncle Jason are expecting a baby BOY expected to arrive on or around September 1!! Wow, 3 Goldenberg girls and 3 baby boys!! Poppop will be all set for his future golf foursome:-)
Another amazing dinner put on by the Wayne Wylen's!! It is always so wonderful to all be together although it seems to be getting more crowded every year with new spouses and now new babies that seem to be popping up each year! The 2nd night was hosted here at our house and even though Mommy did all the work Daniel seemed to be tired out after all the excitement! Since Daniel is vying for the pickiest eater ever award Passover was a little rough but he did enjoy drinking "chicken juice" otherwise known as chicken broth in a cup!
The following week we got to have a nice afternoon with Cousin's Alys, Shoshana and Avi along with Aunt Cheryl. They met up with us at Poppop's office where Shosh had a dental appointment, we had lunch at Aunt Rebecca's followed by some serious fun on the playground. It is so nice to see Daniel and Avi running around acting crazy together. We only wish they could do it more often. Back at Aunt Rebecca's after the playground we had a visit with Poppop Joe and Mommom Ev along with Avi's Nana Cheryl. The boys invented a "game" that basically involved chasing each other back and forth across Rebecca's house and essentially the 2 of them ran and ran and ran for a several hours, they were seriously worn out after that! We can't wait until Avi's sister is born this summer and we get to meet her too!
This blog is to document the development of our son Daniel. He was born on November 28, 2007 weighing in at 6 lb 9 oz and 20 1/2 inches. I can't wait to see how he grows.