Saturday, October 31, 2009


Halloween can be difficult when your kid barely likes to get dressed and won't wear a hat of any sort since most costumes for toddlers involve a head piece. So this year Daniel went as a Dr wearing his very cute Dr. Daniel scrubs. We first celebrated Friday night at the Art Museum with Aunt Debra, Uncle Jason, Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Steve. Saturday, which was Halloween was trick or treating in our neighborhood with Daddy, Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Steve. Daniel did seem to get the idea of trick or treating by the end and he has enjoyed sharing some treats with his Daddy.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

23 Months

This month we have had a huge language explosion. Daniel is really talking now and not shy about expressing what he wants. He is very bossy, there is a lot of "mommy sit, mommy come" etc... We have also had a few instances where Daniel was tired and ready to go home and he loudly announces "Go home now!". He does not of course perform so when I try to show off all his new words he immediately clams up. Our new found communication skills do sometimes help at mealtimes as he can now make requests instead of just refusing to eat what I choose. Of course sometimes I like to still be in charge so that doesn't always work. Like when he requests chicken for breakfast! Daniel also likes to point out all the cars, trucks, buses etc that we pass on the road. He apparently takes after his daddy and can now point out multiple different makes of cars, including his favorite, "corvette". We have also developed a selection of bedtime delaying tactics. His favorite is to stand in his crib and request "more hugs". How can I say no to that??? After several rounds of more hugs at some point it does have to be bedtime. His other new delaying tactic is to inform us that he needs to "poop on the potty". Keep in mind he has yet to ever do anything on the potty but he knows we would like him to so he figures that we won't turn that one down! We have been having a really good time, this is such a fun age!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Debra and Jason's wedding

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Aunt Debra and Uncle Jason tied the knot on October 24 at one of Daniel's favorite places, the Please Touch Museum. Aunt Debra looked like a princess and everything was wonderful but I think Daniel's favorite part was when the museum closed and Daniel got the Septa bus all to himself!!!