We are now just one month short of the half way mark for Daniel's second year. He is doing great. He now knows many of his body parts, a bunch of shapes, some more animal sounds and all sorts of other objects. He is getting good at brushing his teeth every evening after dinner in preparation for his future career as a dentist:-) His latest obsession is cars and trucks. He especially likes to make the trucks zoom across the coffee table and crash onto the floor. He has been having a good time going outside with his Daddy and riding up and down the sidewalk on the Segway. We have gone to the playground, the please touch museum, the zoo and lots of other places. Now Daniel is getting ready for summer and some weekends down the shore! He is definitely getting more assertive about what he does or more often doesn't want. He will say no and vigorously shake his head. He is learning more words although he hasn't started putting them together into phrases yet. His comprehension of what he hears is great though. Once in a while he even does what I ask him to! He already thinks my "mean" face is funny though so I'm not sure how effective my discipline will be. Daniel is now a master at getting up and down the stairs now which makes life much easier for mommy! He is even starting to learn how to go up and down like a grownup rather than crawling!
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12 years ago