Yet another month has flown by. This month Daniel started clapping his hands, popped through the rest of his one year molars and learned to come down the stairs all by himself. Daniel moved up to the young toddler room at daycare which he seems to be really enjoying. In this room there is a lot more structure and they do lots more fun activities. Daniel is now truly a toddler, throwing tantrums when he doesn't get his way and thinking that he is in charge (which he kinda is!) Daniel loves to read books and he has his favorites. He brings them to me and gets up on my lap to read. He is starting to learn how to color with crayons which I'm sure will lead to a refrigerator full of new artwork! He has also started to recognize people in pictures. We have a picture cube with all his grandparents pictures and he likes to carry it around with him. Every day Daniel learns to communicate better with us. He is learning new words and other ways to get across what he wants. Each new stage is more fun than the last!
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12 years ago