Another month has gone by and Daniel continues to learn new things. He is walking really well now, no more crawling! He has been going up the steps for a long time but is finally mastering how to come down the stairs. Sometimes he wants to walk down like we do but we are practicing turning around and coming down backwards. Daniel is trying new foods, some new favorites are waffles, goldfish crackers and turkey soup. We are done with formula now and drinking whole milk which is much easier for Mommy! Daniel is getting more and more verbal, he talks all the time. He likes to imitate what we say and is picking up new words all the time. When he can't communicate what he wants he tends to just point and whine though! We are also hitting a stage where Daniel throws a tantrum when he can't have what he wants. I guess this is a prelude to the terrible 2's (and proof that he is as stubborn as his parents!). This week Daniel is transitioning out of the infant room at school. According to his teachers Daniel really enjoys spending time in the young toddler room and they feel he is ready to move up so after New Years he will be officially moved. We are looking forward to the start of a whole new year in the Venit household. Hopefully we will have a little less excitement in our lives this year as we watch Daniel continue to develop.
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12 years ago