Today Daniel turns 10 months. Time really seems to be flying. It has been a busy month, Daniel started daycare, had some playdates, enjoyed his first trip down the shore, started standing up on his own, took his first few steps (so exciting), expanded his food horizons (grilled cheese, chicken and noodles, lots of fruit), got his first pair of shoes (Puma sneakers), his 8th tooth appeared, he is expanding his vocabulary from just dada, to mama, baba etc...He had his first little sniffle this week (thanks daycare). It feels like my little boy is growing up so fast. Daniel still loves the bathtub and now when his hair is damp it is starting to curl up just like Mommies. It is so cute! Daniel has a great sense of humor, he will take any excuse to laugh out loud. He will even laugh when the cats are doing something funny but the easiest way is just to tickle him. Daniel is now exploring the idea of object permanence so he likes to play peek a boo. He also hides his toys under the couch and then checks to make sure they are still there. He likes to open and shut doors, drawers, cabinets etc. We are having so much fun playing with the little guy. His personality develops more every day and I can't wait to see what happens next!
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