Sunday, September 28, 2008

10 Months

Today Daniel turns 10 months. Time really seems to be flying. It has been a busy month, Daniel started daycare, had some playdates, enjoyed his first trip down the shore, started standing up on his own, took his first few steps (so exciting), expanded his food horizons (grilled cheese, chicken and noodles, lots of fruit), got his first pair of shoes (Puma sneakers), his 8th tooth appeared, he is expanding his vocabulary from just dada, to mama, baba etc...He had his first little sniffle this week (thanks daycare). It feels like my little boy is growing up so fast. Daniel still loves the bathtub and now when his hair is damp it is starting to curl up just like Mommies. It is so cute! Daniel has a great sense of humor, he will take any excuse to laugh out loud. He will even laugh when the cats are doing something funny but the easiest way is just to tickle him. Daniel is now exploring the idea of object permanence so he likes to play peek a boo. He also hides his toys under the couch and then checks to make sure they are still there. He likes to open and shut doors, drawers, cabinets etc. We are having so much fun playing with the little guy. His personality develops more every day and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another visit with Cousin Avi

Cousin's Jeremy, Alys and Avi were in town on Monday. Jeremy had an appointment to get his teeth cleaned so we congragated in Broomall at Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Steve's house for dinner. Daniel and Avi are getting closer to interacting although really they still don't pay much attention to each other. They did like checking out each other's toys. Interestingly Daniel was ok with Avi playing with all but one of his toys, a sun rattle that he particularly likes. It was a nice visit and another chance to watch our little boys growing up. I am so glad that Daniel has a cousin so close in age.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Almost walking in my new shoes

On Saturday Daniel took his first unassisted step! His new friend Izzy was holding a toy just a foot or two away and he really really wanted that toy so he forgot that he doesn't know how to walk yet and just went for it! This week Daniel also received his first pair of sneakers. The cutest little Puma's from his Uncle Jason. Maybe that will be enough inspiration to get our little guy running.

Weekend full of playdates

We had a busy fun filled weekend. On Saturday my college girlfriend Erin and her daughter Izzy came to visit all the way from Alexandria VA. Izzy is 21 months and she and Daniel had a great time playing. Sunday we had a visit from my high school girlfriends, Tracy, Emily and Kerry along with Emily's daughter Maya and Kerry's son Drew. Maya will be 2 in November and Drew is just 6 weeks older than Daniel. It was great to see all the kids together although corraling 3 kids into a picture didn't work as well as I had hoped. We will have to do this more often.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sesame Friends

Daniel got a very special treat this week. As some of you know Daniel's Aunt Debra works for Univision, the Spanish language television station. This week the station was interviewing Maria and Rosita from Sesame Street. We were able to get a special invitation to come and meet them while they were at Aunt Debra's office. Daniel thought Rosita was great, he kept trying to eat her fur and I think he would have played with her all day. Maria was so nice and seemed happy to do an improptu meet and greet with Daniel and a little girl who was also there. We can't wait til next summer when we can make a trip to Sesame Place and meet all the Sesame characters.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Daniel goes to school

This week Daniel had his first days at daycare. For now he will be going on Monday and Thursday to the daycare at Keneseth Israel. The women in the infant room are so great and so far he seems to be doing really well. He doesn't like when we leave in the morning so much but when we come to pick him up he is always playing and having a great time. On Thursday when Mommom and I picked him up he drove one of the play cars on the playground while I made my way across. So far it is a great experience for him and a good opportunity to play with other kids his age a few days a week.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Daniel goes swimming

This week Daniel and I were at Mommom and Poppop's for a few days while Daddy was out of town on business. Mommom and Poppop's upstairs neighbors have a baby pool on their deck and invited Daniel to come swimming. He loved that. Splashing in the water, pool toys, it was a great time all around.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Standing up and Mama

Today Daniel stood up all by himself for the first time. He has let go a few times while already standing and balanced for a few minutes but today he actually stood up not holding on. Also, this week Daniel has started to occasionally say Mama. Dada is still his favorite sound though!