Monday, May 12, 2008

Yummy rice cereal

Daniel has been expressing more and more interest in our food as time goes by. Now that I am home we decided it was time to have some cereal from a spoon. He loved it! He did a very good job although he did shove a blanket in his mouth between each bite. Our boy was definitely ready for some food!

Mother's Day

This was Daniel's and my first Mother's Day. We had a wonderful day, brunch in the morning followed by dinner at the Prime Rib. It was so nice to eat in a real restaurant with my family and so wonderful to celebrate this day with both my mother and my son.

Mommy's home

May 9 2008

Today I was discharged from the rehab. I came home in a paratransit van with Kyle following behind. When we arrived at my parents condo Daniel was in the middle of a bottle. He stopped drinking and looked at me in shock like "what is the hospital lady doing here at Mommom and Poppop's house?" but he had a great big smile on his face and was definitely happy to see me. We are sharing the bedroom and having a great time hanging out together.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Impending Freedom

I have finally been given a discharge date from the hospital. I am heading to my parents place as of Friay May 9, just in time for Mother's Day:-) I will be staying there until after my knee surgery since there are no steps. Daniel and I will be sharing a room again so hopefully we can both sleep through the night. It will be so great to spend more time with my little guy. Can't wait.

Passover 2008

Passover was a few weeks ago and Daniel went to North Jersey for his first seder. I was unable to accompany Mommom and Poppop on the trip but the pictures of Daniel and his cousin Avi are just too cute not to post. Daniel and Avi are 3 months apart in age but quite close in weight and height. It will be fun to watch the two babies grow over the next couple years. So far I'm not sure they really paid too much attention to each other.